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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:5,000 ]

Pelican's broad beaks allow
them to dig out the hatchlings

before the herons can spear
them on the surface

The surf may be hundreds of metres away

and at least a third of the tiny turtles
do not survive the journey

And its not just the birds
that take them

Crocodiles, sharks and hungry fish
are all waiting in the shallows

ln fact only one in every hundred
hatchlings will survive to adulthood

Another beach, another continent,
and a very special night

Here in Costa Rica there is a turtle which
has found a way of reducing these dangers

When Ridley's turtles arrive
to lay their eggs

they don't come in tens or hundreds...
but in thousands

Over the next six days around four hundred
thousand females will visit this beach

At the peak time, five thousand
are coming and going each hour

The beach gets so crowded that
they have to clamber over one another

to find a bare patch of sand
where they can dig a nest hole

Forty million eggs are laid
in these few days

So these turtles ensure
that six weeks later

when their hatchlings emerge
it's not just a trickle

lt's a flood

On some nights, over two million
hatchlings race down to the sea together

With so many appearing simultaneously,

the predators are overwhelmed and most
of the young turtles reach the sea safely

Leaving the sea and emerging onto
land is hard enough for turtles

lt'd even harder for fish

Each year for hundreds of miles
along the Newfoundland coast,

capelin throw themselves
onto the beaches

At least a million tonnes of
fish floundering out of the water

- a real gift for scavenging
eagles and gulls

Odd though it may seem for a fish,
these capelin,

like the turtles, have also
come out of the sea to breed

The males are trying to
fertilise the eggs

that the females are
depositing in the sand

Like the Ridley's turtles,

they have synchronised their mass
laying with the tide

ln a few days it will be over

Most of the capelin die but only after
they've left their eggs in the sand

Other capelin populations
lay their eggs

in the ocean so why do the
Newfoundland fish spawn on land

lt seems that eggs deposited in
the beach may be safer

from predators and develop faster
than in colder waters out to sea

But wherever they do so,
the huge spawning shoals

provide the concentration of food that
seabirds need when they assemble to breed

Ninety five percent of the
world's seabirds nest together,

mostly in large spectacular colonies

This is Funk lsland forty miles
off the coast of Newfoundland


spawn [spɔ:n] n. 卵;菌丝;产物 vt. 产卵;酿成,造成;大量生产 vi. 产卵;大量生产 {toefl gre :6476}

spawning ['spɔ:nɪŋ] n. 产卵;增殖 v. 播种,产卵;大量生成(spawn的现在分词) { :6476}

turtle [ˈtɜ:tl] n. 龟,甲鱼;海龟 n. (Turtle)人名;(英)特特尔 {cet6 toefl :6490}

turtles ['tɜːtlz] n. 乌龟(turtle的复数) { :6490}

surf [sɜ:f] vi. 作冲浪运动 vt. 在…冲浪 n. 海浪,拍岸浪 n. (Surf)人名;(英)瑟夫 { :7750}

adulthood [ˈædʌlthʊd] n. 成年;成人期 { :7780}

costa ['kɒstə] n. [解剖] 肋骨;叶脉;[昆] 前缘脉 n. (Costa)人名;(希、印尼、西、芬、罗、葡、加纳、德、意、英、法)科斯塔 { :8150}

spear [spɪə(r)] n. 矛,枪 vt. 用矛刺 n. (Spear)人名;(英)斯皮尔 {gk cet4 cet6 ky gre :8310}

trickle [ˈtrɪkl] n. 滴,淌;细流 vt. 使…滴;使…淌;使…细细地流 vi. 滴;细细地流;慢慢地移动 {toefl ielts gre :8863}

gulls ['ɡʌlz] n. [鸟] 鸥;气球假目标雷达反射器;笨人;易受骗之人(gull的复数形式) v. 诈欺,骗(gull的第三人称单数形式) { :9078}

Lt [ ] abbr. 书信电报(letter message);数据处理(Language Translation) { :9242}

crocodiles [ˈkrɔkədailz] n. 鳄鱼( crocodile的名词复数 ); (做成皮革的)鳄鱼皮; 成对纵列行进的人(尤指儿童) { :9844}

herons ['herənz] n. <动>鹭( heron的名词复数 ) { :10082}

clamber [ˈklæmbə(r)] vt. 爬,攀登 vi. 攀登,爬上 n. 攀登,爬上 { :10105}

beaks [bi:ks] n. 鸟嘴( beak的名词复数 ); 鹰钩嘴; 尖鼻子; 掌权者 { :10354}

shoals [ʃəʊlz] n. [地理] 浅滩(shoal的复数形式);[水文] 沙洲 v. 变浅;使驶进浅水区(shoal的第三人称单数) n. (Shoals)人名;(英)肖尔斯 { :12753}

rica ['ri:kə] [医][=reverse immune cytoadhesion]反向免疫细胞粘着 { :13129}

funk [fʌŋk] n. 恐惧;怯懦;恐怖;臭味 vt. 害怕;畏缩;使闻到臭味 vi. 惊恐;畏缩;发出臭味 n. (Funk)人名;(瑞典、德、罗、匈、捷)丰克;(英)芬克 { :13330}

floundering [ˈflaʊndərɪŋ] n. 挣扎 adj. 挣扎的 v. 挣扎(flounder的ing形式) { :14667}

Newfoundland [,nju:fәnd'lænd] n. 纽芬兰(加拿大东部岛亦为加拿大省);纽芬兰犬(体大、力强、毛厚而光滑,原产于纽芬兰) { :16494}

synchronised [ ] a. 同步的 v. 使同时(synchronise的过去式和过去分词) { :21008}

seabirds [ˈsi:bɜ:dz] n. 海鸟( seabird的名词复数 ) { :21036}

fertilise ['fɜ:tɪlaɪz] vt. 使受精;施肥于;使肥沃 { :23467}

hatchlings [ ] (hatchling 的复数) n.人工孵化的鱼苗或小鸟 { :26157}

ln [ ] abbr. 自然对数(Napierian Logarithm);液态氮(Liquid Nitrogen) { :28828}

scavenging ['skævɪndʒɪŋ] n. 清除;净化;[动力] 除气法 v. 打扫;排除废气(scavenge的现在分词形式) { :29068}

capelin ['kæpəlɪn] n. 毛鳞鱼;香鱼科的小海鱼 n. (Capelin)人名;(法)卡珀兰 { :43906}

tens [ten] 十位

Costa Rica ['kɔstә'ri:kә] n. 【国】哥斯达黎加;哥斯达黎加共和国 [网络] 哥斯大黎加;哥斯达尼加;中美洲哥斯达黎加

nest together [ ] [网络] 嵌在一起

the turtle [ ] [网络] 海龟;乌龟;海龟人

to breed [ ] 配种

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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